Transform To Net Zero News

New Transformation Guide on Net Zero Goal Setting

7 Nov, 2021 · 1 min read

Transform to Net Zero has published the second in a series of Transformation Guides where founding member companies share their real-life experiences of net zero implementation to provide options for other companies to follow.

In this guide, Danone, Wipro and EDF outline their approaches to navigating the net zero goal setting process and setting net zero ambition that translates into meaningful business transformation.

The Transformation Guide answers the questions:

  1. How do companies secure internal buy-in for a new net zero target?
  2. How do companies determine the Scope 3 boundary for their target?
  3. How do companies generate a roadmap to provide sufficient confidence in implementing their target?

Download the Transformation Guide here

Read more about ensuring net zero targets are achievable, effective and equitable here

7 Nov, 2021 - 1 min read